Monday 19 March 2012

Group: 2nd Film Shoot Reflection

On Sunday 11th March, we went to our carpark location in Tunbridge Wells, for the second shoot. 

We experienced a continuity error of  the weather, but found that due to the full lit circumstances we could colour correct the footage to give the impression of the previous overcast shots.

On arrival to the car park, we met a number of friends with longboards. Therefore, we took plenty of effective handycam tracking shots to enable a final chase scene. We now have multitple shots to choose from, so we will be able to select the ones which we think are the best. We will also be able to have a fast cutting rate and a range of angles in our opening.

Again, we maintained the continuity techniques in our second shooting, and we all feel that every shot has a substancial amount of action at the start and the end, so when we edit all of the footage, there will hopefully be flowing movement between the shots.

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