Wednesday 1 February 2012

Group: Concept Development

It was December 2014, and the nuclear power plant Nine Mile Point had a mass meltdown which subsequently caused a nuclear plague throughout the United Kingdom. The deadly virus spread and infected the majority of England’s population, causing people to flee the cities from the hoards of infected. Now, just over a year on in March 2016, the plague has spread further, and a survivor named Jack Lyle must leave his sub-urban hometown in hope of safety elsewhere.

Jack Lyle (protagonist)
2 infected people (antagonists)

For our protagonist (Lyle), ordinary, slightly old clothes will be suitable for this role. Dark themes such as grey and black will be present, to connote secrecy and concealment. However, being an independent, vigilante-like survivor he will be equipped with boots and possibly a knife. An alternate costume layout may be entirely ordinary clothes, (of a general dark colour) but with the addition of trainers in a slightly brighter colour. This contrasting costume may connote ordinarity of this character, giving the audience the impression he has survived this horrific ordeal with extreme whit alone. They would get the impression he is a 'normal guy', but with a seemingly superior mind.

All diagetic dialogue of our sequence will be dubbed as we have access and knowledge to recording any vocals in the school recording studio. We will also be able to create skin-crawling sound FX of the primal ‘infected people’ by modifying voices with special effects. We feel that this will sound very professional as the level of white noise will be able to be controlled and edited with ease. We desire to have a neo-noir influence in our extract also, so experimenting with or with an absence of white noise could contribute effectively to this aspiration.
For the soundtrack, we have access to incredibly realistic orchestral sequencing software’s, and so a powerful non-diagetic soundtrack to our extract could be produced collaboratively; entirely by the group. Other sound effects to create tension can be added too; as well as purposeful attention to selective sound. Once again, with dubbing; breathing and other sounds could be recorded and later emphasised.

The main location of our opening sequence is in a Tunbridge Wells multi-story car park. This will give the whole opening an urban, industrial look as evident in Misfits Series 2, Episode 1 (Crowe, 2010). The majority of our opening scene will be shot in the car park located next to The Assembly Hall Theatre, however at certain points in the opening we will cut on action (for example Lyle - the protagonist - running round a corner) to a different car park. The main reason why we would shoot in 3 different car parks is because there are aspects of each car park we have visited that makes them unique. One carkpark is great for establishing shots, open spaces and views, the second looks old, desolate and deserted due to calcium stalegtites and moss on the walls giving a wide horizon of possible shots for example pull focus shots, and the third is very concealed with low cealings connoting claustrophobia.

The title of the film is 'Nine Mile Point' - a real life nuclear power station in the United Kingdom. We aim to have the titles of the film (for example Director, Producer and Cast) fade in and out against a black background whilst layers of news report audio build up and up. The main title will be in capitals, with a fair amount of character spacing between the letters as in Brick (Johnson, 2010). We aim to have a simplistic font - similar to Brick's - in white lettering on a black background. There will be little animation on the title, if any it will be a minimal track in or out towards or away from the text.

N I N E   M I L E   P  O I N T

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