Wednesday 22 February 2012

Group: Wilderness Woods Reccie & Evaluation

Above are two clips containing the footage that we shot and experimented with at Wilderness Woods on our reccie.

Below are some photos that we took on the reccie.


  • We went to Wilderness Woods in Uckfield, East Sussex on the 7th February.

  • The purpose was to explore a range of shots and understand how effective each could be. We also discovered the use of the tripod, the track and the importance of a steady hand.

  •  We took examples of: ECU, slow pan + pull focus, slow zoom out, slow pan left, 360 degree pan, two-shot conversation, canted angle and jump cuts. We also experimented with the use of multiple lenses (wide angle and fish-eye).

  • We found using pull focus fairly easy to utilise, while finding it very effective. Moreover, we experimented with changing focus on each character’s face during a conversation; which we considered very successful. The slow pans deemed effective when the speed was maintained, and we will apply these skills while shooting our opening sequence.

  • We experienced difficulty during shooting of the 360 degree pan. This long shot required a consistent speed throughout the entire pan and this was challenging to maintain. During the pull focus techniques, we experienced difficultly in demonstrating it. This was due to the small depth of field on the camera, bringing about a shallow focus. However, we will be using a Canon 550D with a manual focus that is easy to configure while filming. Furthermore, we might use a multitude of lenses with varying depth of field.


  1. I agree, the 360 degree pan was incredibly hard to keep a consistent speed? I wonder how we could achieve the same speed if we used it in our opening..?
    Also, the 550D will definitely give a strong, large depth of field making our opening more cinematic.

  2. I agree with Joe, also, using colour correction in post-production will make the opening seem professional and make the production values seem high.

  3. Excellent technical reflection on trip.

  4. I'm glad you guys agree. Continuing from the consideration of lenses, I have been looking into a fish-eye lens. I feel that this would connote the new consciousness of the 'infected people' if we demonstrate any POV shots of them.
