Sunday 26 February 2012

Group: First Film Shoot

Our first film shoot will take place on Friday 2nd March from 13:00 - 18:00.

We are using our own camera (Canon EOS 550D) to shoot our opening and we will therefore not need to sign out the school camera.
We will need to sign out a tripod because we don't have our own one and we need establishing shots on our first shoot.
We need to sign out the dolly to achieve steady tracking shots in the first part of our opening.
We will also need to make sure we take our group's SD card from the school to record the footage onto.

Props & Costume:
The necessary props for our first shoot are the sleeping bag to show the protagonist is sleeping rough, and a rucksack for his belongings.
As for the costume for our first film shoot, we will need dark coloured, casual clothes and either boots or casual shoes for the protagonist to wear.

As we are just shooting the scene when the protagonist awakes, we will not need to have actors to play infected people. We will only need the actor playing Jack Lyle.

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