Monday 27 February 2012

Group: Pitch Reflection

We presented our pitch in the hope of gaining the green light; and we did !


- We demonstrated a good use of IT skills by using the presentation site Prezi to make the pitch delivery more interesting and exciting
- We presented the pitch well, reading clearly and informatively; expanding on points to ensure full understanding. Points were compressed into many informative sections.
- We embeded multiple relevant clips reinforcing ideas that we expressed (slow-motion video expressing Twixtor aims)
- Graphics were clearly presented during the Prezi to outline font choices 


- It was not clear in the pitch what the actual opening sequence would look like; finalised
- Occassionally, we did not speak with clear annunciation and did not adress the audience directly


  1. Max, I agree about what you have written. I took away several things from the pitch, mainly that we really needed to clearly present the content of what would happen in the opening scene, and I believe that by creating our storyboard and anamatic it will make this much clearer.

  2. Thanks Joe, in fact, I've been editing a video of the anamatic storyboard and it's already giving me an idea of our main narrative. I've got some great shot ideas too!
