Thursday 2 February 2012

Group: Location Ideas & Location Reccie

Following our research of the Misfits episode (Crowe, 2010), we became inspired by the ways in which the layout of the location in the series varies significantly. Rather than a conventional, square sub-urban layout, the location in Misfits is made up of uneven flats and car parks. These varying levels of buildings make the series seem very cinematic and create more opportunities for characters' physical actions.

We all knew of similar places in Tunbridge Wells, which we then realised would be ideal for us to shoot in for a similar effect. We, as a group, visited three different car parks in the town and took pictures of suitable locations to capture scenes from our opening in.

One of our main criteria for our protagonist is to show that he is sleeping rough in a sub-urban setting. Therefore beginning the opening scene with him sleeping in a stairwell would denote this successfully, and also promote his trait as a good thinker, as he has chosen a high-up, safe place to rest.

Another idea we have has as a group is to have brief, establishing shots to show the audience the conditions of his location. Slow panning shots of stairwells and high viewpoints of the town around the car park will help us achieve this and also reinforce the bleak, lonely aura of the opening.


  1. I really enjoyed going on this reccie and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the location we were using and it's urban feel. It felt good to be able to finally visualise our opening in the correct, chosen location.

  2. The car parks are definitely a suitable location for our opening, I think that using the stairwells to shoot in will be very visually pleasing.
