Tuesday 28 February 2012

Group: Improved Soundtrack

This is a new version of the soundtrack which we created using music production software. We feel that this is more fitting to the genre of our opening, and will greatly increase the sense of enigma we are trying to create.
We also feel that the sounds we used in this new soundtrack will give the actions on screen a greater impact, as music can have a strong effect on events which take place in a film.


  1. This is much more suitable for our opening and it suits the genre of post-apocalyptic thriller more due to the discordant sounds and strings at the end.

  2. I find this newly improved track provides greater tension that we are aiming for in our opening. On reflection of the opening of 'What Lies Beneath', the slow moving strings prove very effective. Also, I have been looking into sound effects that are cinematic and will make the audience 'jump'; some typical horror string effects
