Sunday 29 January 2012

JC: Film Analysis 2: Zombieland (Fleischer, 2009)

Zombieland (Fleischer, 2009)

- The target audience of this film are the core horror cinema audience: 16-29
From the opening, the audience can assume that the film is largely based around crude humour (Over-gory blood effects, people being attacked in compromising situations, exaggerated hard-rock soundtrack.)
- As a British teenager, I view this opening as a typical, american horror-comedy
- From watching the opening alone,I feel as if the entire film relies on crude humour to support a possibly poor storyline and exaggerated, unecessary gore.
- Many people of my age group would possibly find this film entertaining however, I think the exaggerated music and gore make the film seem generic and uninteresting

-This opening represents a few stereotypes of american society:
- The brief narrative of: 'Fasten your seat belts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride' is read in a young, male voice, which suggests that the protagonist of the film is an american adolescent.
Other stereotypes include:
- Homeless man preaching the rapture
- Overweight businessman visiting strip clubs
- Young man firing machine gun


  1. ~Analysis of representation - a little brief?

  2. Perhaps the 16-29 horror audience in this opening would fit for our film too? However maybe a little younger. Maybe 14-29?
