Wednesday 18 January 2012

Group: Initial Idea

Our initial idea for our opening sequence is to move away from the genre of 'zombie-shooter' which many zombie films often fall in to. We feel that it would be much more interesting to create an opening with a believable plot but at the same time, one which thrills the audience - similar to how 28 Days Later (Boyle, 2002) 'humanised' the zombie theme by creating tragic emotion between characters. 

A cinematic aesthetic could also make the opening appear to have high-production values. By applying the techniques featured below, we will be able to create an opening which is realistic yet thrilling:

- Desaturation
- High or low contrast filter
- Use of realistic make-up
- Varying rhythms of shots
- A soundtrack which complements the events happening on-screen


  1. JP: I like the idea of moving away from the stereotypical conventions of a zombie horror film too.

  2. MC: This is a great initial idea Jake, I feel I could contribute with the soundtrack as I have access to high quality sequencing voices. I like the fact that we're moving away from the stereotypical conventions of zombie horror. I'm really looking forward it!

  3. Also, the idea of desaturation and a high or low contrast filter would definitely create a less 'generic' zombie opening!

  4. I believe it would be extremely effective to introduce the credits with a combination of over the top of frames as well as isolated titles, as they pulled off excellently in Se7en (Fincher, 2005). We should also look into graphics that connote the protagonist's characteristics.

  5. Yes, definitely. The titles for Se7en (Fincher, 2005) really follow the style and genre of the film. We should consider this for when we create the titles for our film.
