Thursday 19 January 2012

JP: What are the generic conventions in Se7en? (Fincher, 1995)

Se7en (Fincher, 1995)

- The use of montage editing in the opening of Se7en (Fincher, 1995) is a generic convention for thriller genre film openings. This is because it creates enigma and questions the audience as to what is happening. It also adds suspense and tension.
- The non-diagetic music is rhythmic and the cuts are in time with the syncopated track. The constant thudding beat connotes heartbeats and starts to build the tension. This is often used in thriller openings.
- The non-diagetic SFX such as moans and screams also build the suspense and connote death, murder and mystery.
- The scratched effects on top of the shots connote violent scratching at walls during murder but also give the whole opening a very different, old, vintage feel.

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