Monday 30 January 2012

JC: Film (T.V. Drama) analysis 3 - Misfits (Crowe, 2010)

Misfits - Series 2 Episode 1 (Crowe, 2010)

Although this opening is from a T.V. series, it possesses several qualities which film openings also have such as:

- Character exposition
- Representation of social groups
- Builds foundation for storyline

Analysing this clip is useful as this series is very cinematic and inspiring. Also, we want to create an opening with more sentimental value than most zombie/post-apocalyptic thrillers, so by analysing a British drama, we can take inspiration and use the techniques we learn similarly.

- The mise-en-scene in this clip is used to create enigma and inform the audience that the characters are in mourning.
- The enigma is created by montage editing of an anonymous character getting ready to go out, however, the fact that he is wearing all black clothing and body armour has connotations to super-hero fantasy.

- The enigmatic code is further reinforced by the short shots of pictures of the characters on his wall, and makes the audience ask the question: 'Who is this masked person?'
-Parallel editing is then used to show how the other characters are mourning and the anonymous character is performing acrobatic manouvres on rooftops.

- By using ECUs of the anonymous character getting ready, a mysterious effect is created, as the audience are only able to see small parts of the character and the set. Fast rhythm of cutting is also used to create suspense during the opening scene and the camera movement is rarely static also building up the storyline and anticipation.

- The music in this clip is whispering, electronic music, which reinforces the enigmatic code and the urban setting of the series. Then, progressive, mid-paced music accompanies the free-running scene, which greatly promotes the sense of danger and risk which the anonymous character is putting himself in.
- Intercutting fast-paced, action-packed scenes with slow, sentimental ones, creates a strong contrast in the two sides of the parallel editing, and also suggests that the anonymous character is heading towards the unaware characters (which he eventually does).
- A low-contrast filter is applied to the sequence (and the entire series) which compliments the bleak, grey colours of urban, industrial areas.

- Low-key professional actors were used in this opening however they are effective in the meaning of the sequence as they reinforce stereotypes realistically.

- Clerkenwell Films produced this episode and series. They are a British film and T.V. producing company who have produced films for the BBC, ITV and Channel 4.
- The series was aimed at British teenagers as it represented stereotypes of adolescents and gave them prevalence and narrative dominance. Its main theme is also superpowers, which is presented in an interesting and original way.
- This opening is clear evidence that the production values of this episode were fairly high, as a range of special effects are used and a professional soundtrack is featured.


  1. Outstanding technical analysis - L4. Well done!

  2. Fantastic ideas for location! We should definitely consider shooting in an industrial location - perhaps a car park?
