Monday 23 January 2012

JP: What I learnt about how to use the cameras & shooting continuity.

Cameras & Tripods
- Position the cameras lens up when replacing them
- The SD Card is loaded at the top and remember to take it out when returning the cameras
- The battery is inserted near the fold out screen and needs to be replaced when returning the cameras
- To position the camera on the tripod unlock the section which screws into the camera, screw it in, then replace it and lock it
- Always remember to tighten the panning handle for static shots
- When creating handicam footage keep the camera on the tripod to use as balance

Shooting Continuity
- There are several continuity techniques:
- Eyeline match
- 180° rule
- Shot/Reverse shot
- Reaction shots
- Cut on action
- I have learnt that the two key continuity techniques to bear in mind are cut on action and the 180° rule because if the 180° rule is broken then the audience will get confused and mix up the characters

- This diagram shows how the camera can move anywhere in the green zone up to 180°, however if the camera crosses into the red zone the characters change position on the screen and the audience will get confused

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