Monday 30 January 2012

MC: Film Analysis 3: The Dark Night (Nolan, 2008)

Dark Knight (Nolan, 2008) - Opening sequence 

In this opening sequence, American citizens and criminals are represented. A variety of readings are obtained solely from the bank scene. Some are hysterical and fearful; however the bank attourney is portrayed as a heroic character and fearless in the face of danger, approaching the criminals with a shotgun and a 'gung-ho', vigilante attitude.
Ideologies in this extract are American stereotypes, and we understand the reaction of citizens in the face of danger. 


The target audience for this film is the typical cinema goer, of ages 12-29 as the certificate is 12A. Those that are a fan of action, crime and drama. The film was released as a blockbuster, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, but analysed by independent film fans and greatly appreciated for its neo-noir characteristics. 

Possible audience readings of the text may be on the favourable side of crime, as the clowns committing the robbery are given prevalence and pull off moves stylistically and hold up the bank with ease. Other audience readings may be a negative stereotyping for American culture, of violence and criminality

As a British teenager, I understand this text as a modern remake of the Marvel comic cartoon classic of Batman. Through the mise-en-scene of the masked characters, I gain interest in the production values of this film. Being at the age where Batman films have been released throughout my life, I am able to enjoy this film as a sequel. I also gain an insight into American extravagant buildings being a UK citizen. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done - interesting analysis of audience. Revisit ideology and consider what values and beliefs are reinforced or challenged in this clip... clarify point
