Monday 30 January 2012

JP: Film Analysis 3 - 28 Days Later (Boyle, 2002)

28 Days Later (Boyle, 2002)
Link disabled due to copyright reasons.

The target audience for this film is the zombie horror audience, between 18 and 29 years old, as the film certificate is an 18.
The dominant reading of the text is that zombies or infected people are represented negatively as if they are antagonistic, hunting out the protagonists. A negotiated reading would be that the zombies could be progressively or regressively represented, and an aberrant reading would be that the zombies are the protagonists.
As a British teenager I read the text to roughly the same extent as a normal audience member would. My age and gender would affect the reading as more younger men tend to enjoy zombie horror or thriller films than women or older men.

The three main stars in this film are Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris and Christopher Eccleston. It is important to have stars in a film because if they are famous, good actors that people like, it will attract a wider, larger audience to view the film, increasing box office revenue.
DNA Films & British Film Council produced the film and 20th Century Fox distributed it. It is an industrial film.
One of the strategies used to market the film was placing TV spots mostly in masculine programming such as football games and TV premieres of films like 'The Matrix' and 'A Clockwork Orange'. These spots featured audience reaction footage taken by night vision cameras of an invited preview audience to entice audiences in. This clearly  proved well due to the $82,719,885 box office total.
The institutional context is evident in the opening sequence because of the high quality camera work, mise-en-scene and the use of sound adds to the high production values - the diagetic dialogue is crisp and non-diagetic music sounds professional.

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