Sunday 29 January 2012

JP: Preliminary Task Reflection

Our brief for our preliminary task was to create a continuity sequence consisting of at least one shot of a door opening and two lines of dialogue.
To shoot continuity we needed to consider:
- 180 degree rule
- Reaction shots
- Juxtaposition of shots
- Eyeline match
- Cut on action

When filming, I found that shooting shots twice means that when it comes to post-production and editing you can select the best take and discard one with errors in.
Our best shots were the establishing shot where the antagonist was revealed from behind railings/bars - instantly connoting jail, prison and some kind of conviction - revealing that he is the antagonist. Our first door open shot was another good take, especially after cutting on action.
One of our main difficulties was cutting on action continuously and trying to position the audience with the protagonist.

In post-production, I found it successful that we were able to decide which shots to use because we had done two takes of each one. I found cutting on action easy and realised how much it affects continuity.
We added a distinct high contrast, auto-colour correction onto the final edit to make it look more distinct and raise the production values.

Strengths: 180 degree rule, camera framing and positioning, and the colour correction - adding an air of verisimilitude to the final cut.
Weaknesses: Shooting 2 or 3 seconds either side of the action for post-production to be easier.
Targets: Aim to shoot 3 seconds before the action.

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