Monday 30 January 2012

MC: Preliminary Task Evaluation

- We were set a task to film a sequence in continuity, bearing in mind the 180 degree rule while filming and continued in editing.
- 2 lines of dialogue were required, and our group discovered the ease in sound bridges created during editing. During the filming phase, we had this in the back of our minds, and included reaction shots to keep the simulation of reality.
- An opening of a door was also filmed, and we filmed this at multiple angles from a few shots. I discovered an artistic shot of ours during our experimentation, of the protagonist approaching the door as a refection in the door handle.
 - We learned that using a variety of angles for every piece of character action should be taken. We also learned about filming chase scenes effectively; we will apply this knowledge to the final film opening.
- It can be effective to use a variety of shots and angles for every shot as there is more material to choose form during editing. Plus there may be hidden errors you were oblivious to, such as an unwanted noise or person in the background. We discovered the successful use of sound bridges, as well as the use of colour wash. Through editing contrast and auto-colour correction, we gave the sequence a more cinematic feel, heightening the production values.
- The strengths of our extract is the cinematic feel provided through post-production colour wash and precise continuity achieved. We experienced some problems of excess sounds in the shots. Specifically shots commencing too quickly after ‘action’ was sounded. We might draw form this and have silent count-ins with future filming.  

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